Pelchat, Nicholas


1. Chênevert, R.; Pelchat, N.; Morin, P., Lipase-mediated enantioselective acylation of alcohols with functionalized vinyl esters: acyl donor tolerance and applications, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2009, 20, 1191-1196.

2. Chênevert, R.; Morin, P.; Pelchat, N., Transesterifications and hydrolysis of carboxylic ester derivatives, alcohols and epoxides, Asymmetric organic synthesis with enzymes (Gotor, V.; Alfonso, I.; Garcìa-Urdiales, E. (Eds)), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008, Chapter 6, pp.133-169.

3. Pelchat, N.; Caron, D.; Chênevert, R., Enantioselective synthesis of the alcohol moiety of dolabriferol, Journal of Organic Chemistry 2007, 72, 8484-8488.

4. Chênevert, R.; Courchesne, G.; Pelchat, N.; Chemoenzymatic synthesis of both enantiomers of α-tocotrienol, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2006, 14, 5389-5396.

5. Chênevert, R.; Pelchat, N.; Jacques, F., Stereoselective enzymatic acylations (transesterifications), Current Organic Chemistry 2006, 10, 1067-1094.